Bryan and Cari are church planters in west-central Brazil. Their main door to making contacts is through ESL. They are opening a Life Center in their city to create a safe, neutral space for English classes and training in other practical life skills with the focus on inviting participants to join disciple-making Bible studies.
What drives Bryan and Cari is seeing an unbeliever open the Word of God and see how the big picture of God's Story fits together, perhaps for the first time. That is exciting stuff! Beyond that, helping a young adult learn practical skills that will enable him or her to experience relational or personal success is quite satisfying.
This ministry would be impossible without the great team of partners that exists. Currently, gifts can be directed to the monthly support so that Bryan and Cari can continue so disciple believers. There is also a project to raise funds to purchase land in order to build a Life Center on a permanent location that will become the location for a new church plant, Lord willing.
Prayer is always necessary and greatly appreciated! Giving toward this ministry is humbling and assures that it can continue. There is a giving page for monthly support as well as another giving page to support the purchase of land to build the Life Center. For those who may be interested in visiting Sorriso there may be opportunities for short-term mission trips with a focus on ESL.