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Honore and Kim Afolabi


The Afolabis are involved in training and mentoring church leaders and facilitating church planting in order to strengthen local churches and reach the unreached in Togo, West Africa.

We are privileged to be apart of God's work by encouraging church leaders and training them so they can do better what God has called them to do.  We believe that, "The future of the churches in Togo depends on the quality of its leaders."

The Afolabis are involved in:

  1. Teaching the leaders:  There are 3 training centers throughout Togo 
  2. Mentoring the leaders in a one-on-one setting or in a small group.
  3. Organizing seminars, conferences, and pastors' wives and ladies' fellowships.
  4. Providing reliable resources in French to the church leaders.

Ways To Support The Afolabis:

  1. Commit to pray for Honoré and Kim and their family.
  2. Commit to pray for their various ministry opportunities that God brings along their way.
  3. Financially Support their training, mentoring and facilitating church plant effort in Togo.
  4. Sign up to receive their email update by sending your email address to [email protected].
  5. Follow them on their ministry Facebook:  Afolabi's Ministry
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