Stephen Clemans grew up in a large family of nine and from a young age has been looking forward to doing missionary work in Japan. A few things he enjoys doing are eating sushi, splitting wood, and writing books.
Stephen serves in Izumi, Japan at an ABWE church plant. His mission is to help disciple Japanese believers and support the local church's effort to minister to the unreached people of Japan effectively. With a BA in Pastoral Ministry, Stephen is most excited about working alongside other young Japanese pastors in support of their ministries, but what he is most excited about is starting up prayer initiatives and multiplying movements of prayer throughout Japan.
Although Japan is considered the second most unreached nation in the world, there is still a need for missionaries like Stephen to partner with local Japanese leaders to support the ministries that already exist. Funds that are given go directly to investing in the discipleship of local believers and caring for the needs of the Japanese church. Investing financially and prayerfully into the Japanese body will enable them to then focus more on the need to evangelize to and disciple the lost.
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