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Mallorie Keel


Mallorie is passionate about bringing the gospel to those who do not have access, and Togo currently has 7 unreached people groups. Meeting physical needs as a nurse has opened the door to meet spiritual needs with the gospel.

She will be serving at a local hospital in Togo, West Africa. Having the opportunity to disciple Togolese nursing students, reaching people groups in villages though home healthcare, and living among the local families to plant churches. She is using healthcare as a platform to share the gospel with the unreached, plant churches, and disciple though relationships.

When you give, you support the ministry of ABWE in Togo. Mallorie will use the funds to reach those who have never heard the gospel through the platform of nursing.

Please pray for the Fulani people of Togo, 1 of the 7 unreached people groups. Pray for access to these peoples so they may receive needed healthcare and that they would come to know Jesus as their Savior.

If you would like to sign up for a monthly newsletter, email Mallorie at [email protected].

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