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Stephen & Elizabeth Fox


We are the Fox family. Our family is made up of the two of us and our sweet daughter. We will be serving in Australia first and then New Zealand. The heart of our ministry is to see the Gospel spread and help encourage the local church.

The Fox's Ministry will revolve around furthering the local church. They will do this by assisting in church planting, development of leaders, and church planting in New Zealand. Stephen's focus will be on developing spiritual leaders and discipleship. Liz's focal points will be in women discipleship, hosting, and homemaking. While serving in Australia the Fox's will be building relationships with both Australian and New Zealand nationals with the goal of church planting in New Zealand.

By partnering with us you will be taking an active role in furthering the Great Commission to the furthest parts of the world.

The three best ways to take this active role is:

1. Monthly financial partnership

2. Prayer

3. Signing up for our newsletter

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