Erin has been a missionary in South Brazil since 2005. She has helped as a church planting assistant in two different ministries. Since 2015 Erin has headed up an evangelistic outreach ministry and loves the opportunities to meet people and share God's love with them.
Erin's main ministries are the LOGOS Bible Study and The Hangout.
The Hangout is coffee-house outreach ministry across the street from a major university. Erin loves being able to meet young adults and show them the love of Christ through coffee, games, conversations and lots of counseling. Some of the students come several days a week allowing for a real family atmosphere.
LOGOS is a church plant/group Bible study in São Leopoldo where Erin enjoys teaching Good Soil Bible studies and helping with music and discipleship.
By Partnering with Erin
Your donations can help in several different ways. Giving to Erin's personal support needs helps to maintain her life and ministry in Brazil.
Gifts to the Hangout are used to help provide free coffee and maintain food prices low for the students. Also, the monthly rent costs are provided for through donations. Donations to this need (around $470 monthly) will help keep this ministry open and sharing God's love for a long time to come.
How To Get Involved:
- Pray for Erin and her ministry
- Send emails and texts
- Sign up to receive her prayer letter (please send her an email at
- Consider a short-term trip to help her serve coffee and cookies at the Hangout.