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Daniel & Anna Storey


Anya and Daniel have been desiring to serve God through international missions from their conversions.  Anya had been interested in linguistics and serving the Lord potentially through Bible translation. 

Daniel had a passion for using medicine to further God's kingdom.  Now God has been leading them to finally put these ideas into practice in Togo.

Using Healthcare and Discipleship for Advancing His Kingdom

Daniel and Anya will be working with the Southern hospital in Togo.  While bringing healthcare to those at great need they will be more focused on the larger need that God has placed in every human heart.  The need to know and be known by Him. 

They are eager to be involved in clinic work, hospital work, and local church planting/discipling during their time.

The hospital in Togo helps to use a specific need of healthcare in order to show people from many tribes and nations to their greater need of a savior.  By supporting this ministry God's kingdom will be furthered.

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