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Micah & Debbie Colbert


As a remote ministry trainer, Micah will be equipping African leaders to plant and pastor healthy churches. He will be partnering with Ambassador International University (AIU) of Zambia to accomplish this mission. Currently, students from seven African countries are at AIU preparing for ministry. By offering remote training, AIU hopes to expand its gospel influence throughout Africa. Micah is excited about working with the leadership team at AIU to develop and teach biblically rich, contextually appropriate remote courses at the associate’s, bachelor’s, and master’s degree levels.

Micah and Debbie have served as church-planting missionaries in Ghana, West Africa. They have a passion to see the gospel advanced throughout the continent of Africa. They believe that training indigenous leaders and churches to make, mature, and multiply Christlike disciples is essential to this mission.  

“Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me.” – Col. 1:28-29 

Ways to Support:

1) Commit to pray for the Colbert family and their ministry

2) Financially support their work training Africans for ministry

3) Sign up for their newsletter at [email protected]

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