Cliff and Ali have been sent by Crossroad Baptist Church in New Carlisle, OH and serve as church planters with ABWE in the country of England. Cliff serves as the Field Team Leader for the ABWE missionaries in the United Kingdom. They have four children: Caleb, Hope, Josiah, and Isaac.
Cliff and Ali are partnering with North Swindon Baptist Church to help plant another healthy church in the Swindon area. Cliff serves as one of the elders and Ali is heavily involved in the ministries of the church. They are seeking to build relationships with people in their community to share the good news of Jesus. They have been involved in children's and youth ministry, ministry in the public schools, community outreach, and ministry through American football.
Your giving helps us to be able to see the multiplication of healthy evangelical churches in the spiritually dark country of England.
There are a number of ways you could connect with us and support our ministry. You could commit to upholding us in prayer by signing up to receive our email prayer updates and letters. You could commit to give financially through ABWE to support the work of church planting in England. You could also consider praying about joining our team as the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.