Bill and Kathy travel in and out of Liberia, bringing teams, resources, and expertise to aid the national church to reach Liberia and neighboring countries. Ministry activities presently include evangelism and church planting (most effectively accomplished through Mobile Medical Clinics), medical ministry (through the Baptist Health Clinic and the Baptist College of Missionary Physician Assistants), pastoral training, starting a Christian camp, and starting a Christian High School.

Liberia recently experienced a 15-year war and is now about the 8th poorest country in the world. The country has very little electricity or running water. Healthcare and education are severely lacking. Because of those facts and our partnership with Liberian Christians, the gospel is being embraced by many people (advancing) as we help to meet people's spiritual and physical needs. Our presence there is also an encouragement to the Liberians, as we minister side by side with them, bringing multiple teams each year to Liberia to work on our projects.
Please consider joining one of our many teams! We also could use people to stay in Liberia long-term to help. Please pray for wisdom, safety, as we reach Liberia for with the gospel. Reach us at or