Togo Blind Center/Village Of Light


The Village of Light began ministering to the visually-impaired in Togo in 1974, and continues to this day to offer compassionate education to those that otherwise would have no opportunity to attend a school due to their physical handicap. The staff not only provides a quality education, but also strives to incorporate Christ and the truth of God's Word to each of the students.

The school currently offers:

  • Complete room and board for students throughout the school year.
  • Teaching every subject required by the Togolese education system for grades K through 6, plus a curriculum that incorporates Scripture.
  • A 2-year workshop program as continuing education that serves to prepare the graduate to launch his/her own business upon full completion of the program.
  • A staff of 28 Togolese workers (8 of whom are former students) to provide housing, meals, education, security, and property upkeep.
  • All students are involved in a local church during the school year.

Ongoing annual operating costs include:

  • $8,000 per year to provide 3 meals every day to the students
  • $27,000 per year to cover Togolese staff salaries, providing an income for numerous families
  • $12,000 per year to provide electricity to the school and dorms
  • $13,000 per year for miscellaneous property maintenance and upkeep

Would you be willing to help continue to provide a quality education and compassionate care to a group that is viewed as useless by their society due to their blindness?

Provides 3 meals for students
for one year
Togolese staffers
Former students now work here

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