Open Initiative Tokyo/Kanto


Would you consider partnering with us to reach the unreached in Japan?

The Japanese people of the greater Tokyo area have a unique set of beliefs that blend ancient traditions and newer western practices. While Shinto and Buddhism are widely practiced, they are not widely believed. Suicide is rife, and the roots of honor/shame culture go deep. Japan is the largest unreached nation that is still completely open to missionaries.

We believe that God is raising up a new generation to go to some of the farthest frontiers of missions because 1/3 of humanity has yet to hear the good news of Jesus.

When you make a gift today to the Open Initiative, you help support missions work around the globe!

Click “Give Now” to support efforts to reach the unreached in Japan!

Population: 37 Million
% of Believers: Less than 1%
Dominant Religion: Shinto, Atheism & Buddhism

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