Mexico Bibles and Resources


Culiacán is the largest city in Sinaloa, known as the breadbasket of Mexico. It is surrounded by dozens, if not hundreds, of migrant farm camps where indigenous workers come from all over the republic to cultivate and harvest produce that is sent primarily to the U.S. 

Our team works within this context to evangelize and disciple indigenous people, especially those from the least-reached people groups. This project is an effort to collect funds to provide Bibles and Bible resources to as many people as possible in these camps, who come from poor backgrounds with often little exposure to the gospel. 

Funds donated to this project will go toward purchasing Bibles in both contemporary, easy-to-understand Spanish, as well as indigenous languages, as well as resources like children's Bibles, Bible studies, tracts, and audio Bibles for oral language learners. Thank you so much for investing in a project that will provide many with the Word of God! 

Indigenous Language Speakers

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