South Asia Ministry Center Project

South Asia

Join us in advancing the gospel in one of the most unreached places on earth. In a bustling South Asian city of over 35 million people, the spiritual need is overwhelming. Out of the 566 people groups that call this city home, an astounding 519 remain unreached by the gospel. With less than 3% of the population identifying as Christians and the vast majority practicing Hinduism, this city represents one of the most significant mission fields in the world.

God is at work. Through the faithful ministry of Paul* and his team, a beacon of hope is shining in this spiritual wilderness. Their efforts are already bearing fruit:

  • Church Planting: New churches are being established to reach the unreached.
  • Leadership Development: Local leaders are being trained to disciple their communities.
  • Slum Ministry: Lives are being changed through outreach in impoverished areas.
  • Campus Ministry: University students are being equipped to carry the gospel forward.

Krishna’s Story: As a child laborer, Krishna* lived in a local slum and dreamed of escaping poverty. Through this ministry, he found hope, completed his education, and ultimately gave his life to Christ. Today, Krishna is a church-planting pastor, training others to reach the unreached.

The next step in this mission is Phase 1: Land Purchase. To secure a ministry center in the heart of the city, we need to raise $1 million. This center will be a launchpad for:

  • Reaching 20 unreached people groups
  • Planting 30 churches by 2030
  • Equipping the next generation of Christian leaders

Real estate in this city costs double that of Manhattan, and opportunities to establish a presence are closing due to rising costs and legal barriers. We’ve already raised 62% of the goal, but we need your help to complete this critical phase.

*Names changed for security reasons.

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