The Goroka Project: New Life for Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea is a land of immense spiritual need. Its rugged, remote landscape isolates over 800 distinct language groups—many still influenced by spiritism. Despite these challenges, God has been at work. For more than 50 years, Goroka Baptist Bible College (GBBC) has faithfully trained church leaders, while the Seigu Medical Clinic brings healing and shares the gospel with thousands annually.

When Christ commissioned His disciples to take the gospel to “the ends of the earth,” Papua New Guinea is surely one of the places He had in mind. Today, many villages in this southwestern Pacific nation still wrestle with tribal conflict, spirit worship, and broken social systems. The result? A weakened church, ethnic strife, and a tragic devaluation of human life. Yet, amid these challenges, there is great hope.

In the Goroka district, God’s kingdom continues to advance through three ministries on the same campus:

  • Goroka Baptist Bible College (GBBC): Since 1974, GBBC has trained nearly 500 graduates serving as pastors and leaders in churches across 16 provinces.
  • Seigu Medical Clinic: Opened in 1991, the clinic serves over 25,000 patients each year, offering both medical care and the hope of the gospel. Hundreds of lives have been saved, and families have been restored through this ministry.
  • Citizen and Character Values Education (CCVE): GBBC faculty and students have ministered to over 5,000 public school students each week through religious instruction in partnership with local schools. Starting in 2025 CCVE training will be done by GBBC graduates and others in at least 3 PNG provinces. The goal is to reach over 10,000 students per week in many public schools. This ministry is expanding rapidly.

Why the Goroka Project?

The Goroka Project aims to expand and renew these facilities, ensuring the next generation of Papua New Guinean leaders is trained and equipped for ministry. GBBC is not merely a college; it is a hub for church planting, medical evangelism, and youth outreach across the country. The potential for online learning, in partnership with Horizon, could allow GBBC to serve up to 1,000 students, but new infrastructure is critical.

Phase 1A Progress:

  • Completed: Boys’ dorm, missionary home, staff housing, and campus electrical upgrades (excluding solar panels).
  • Funded & Materials Purchased: The clinic remodel and expansion are fully funded.

Next Steps: Phase 1B – Goal: $2 Million

  • Immediate Need: $900,000 by March to resume construction in April/May.
  • Planned Projects:
  • Two two-story classroom building ($300,000).
  • Two two-classroom unit furnishings ($50,000 each)
  • Duplex faculty housing unit ($60,000 per unit) to house indigenous Bible College teachers.
  • Sale of property in January will provide $200,000 toward this phase, leaving $700,000 to raise.

 Your Opportunity to Help

With $1.3 million already raised, we still need $6.7 million to complete the Goroka Project. Your support will help train leaders, save lives, and bring the gospel to unreached communities. Together, we can transform Papua New Guinea for Christ.

  • Goal: $6.7 million
  • Amount funded: $1,327,205 (20%)
  • Remaining need: $5,382,795


Let’s partner together to bring new life to Papua New Guinea through the gospel. Help us renew and expand GBBC and Seigu Clinic for another generation of kingdom impact.

Video credit: Our friends, Jordan and Cassie Timpy from Agape Visuals. Learn more about their media ministry here.

Reached through the clinic
To expand school and clinic

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William & Lori Smith

Church planting in Papua New Guinea through medical evangelism and theological education.

Global Pregnancy Resources

Lori Smith works alongside nationals at Seigu Baptist Clinic to provide quality healthcare to the surrounding areas.