God created humanity to know and enjoy him (Isaiah 43:7). Yet billions remain lost in sin, with over two billion people worldwide who have never heard the name of Jesus Christ.
Jesus commissioned his church to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). To fulfill this command, we must send and support workers into God’s harvest fields (Matthew 9:38)—bringing the good news of salvation and raising up worshipers of the one true God.
The Global Gospel Fund exists to send missionaries to the lost and unreached, equipping ordinary believers to fulfill the extraordinary mission of making Christ known among all peoples.
Last year, by God’s grace, we added more than 60 new missionaries to the field and began opening five new mission fields, including regions where unreached people groups and restricted access countries desperately need the gospel. As we look ahead to 2025, we’re praying to mobilize at least 90 new workers and open three additional mission fields.
Nearly 700
Baptisms Last Year
More Than 80 Missionaries
New Missionaries Sent This Year
5 Fields
New Fields Being Opened
Every gift fuels this mission. It takes approximately $7,000 to identify, qualify, train, and send a single missionary prepared for long-term ministry in evangelism, disciple-making, and church planting. A recurring gift of $50 per month helps sustain and equip our 1,000 missionaries worldwide for the work of the gospel.
God is bearing fruit through these efforts: in 2023 alone, nearly 700 baptisms were reported across our fields. This is the kind of eternal impact you’re a part of when you give to the Global Gospel Fund.
Your partnership makes the difference. Join us in advancing the gospel to those who have never heard by giving today. Together, we can hold the rope for those who go, proclaiming Christ so that the lost may be saved and escape the wrath of God.
Cost to Send One Missionary
$50 Monthly
Impacts All Missionaries