The Global Gospel Fund: Supporting World Evangelism


Send and Support Missionaries to Reach the Lost

God created humanity to know and enjoy him (Isaiah 43:7). But across the globe, countless souls are lost in sin and unbelief—and more than two billion have never even heard the name of Jesus Christ.

Christ gave us, his church, the holy obligation—and opportunity—to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). To do this, we must send and support workers into God’s harvest (Matthew 9:38)—to share the good news of salvation and raise up disciples to worship their Lord and Savior.

The Global Gospel Fund exists to mobilize more laborers for this worldwide harvest and support those who have answered the call, enabling ordinary believers to answer the extraordinary call to make Christ known among all the peoples.

Last year, we witnessed an astonishing 82 new missionaries answer the call to preach Christ, build up his church, and labor for his glory among the nations. This year, we’re asking God to do far more abundantly above all that we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20) as we pray for a courageous new generation to carry the torch of missions.

This fund further provides vital services to ABWE’s existing family of 1,000 missionaries reaching more than 80 nations through evangelism, church planting, and equipping of national believers. With this vital logistical support, coaching, training, and more, missionaries are free to focus their energies on the ministry to which God has called them.

Partner with us as we send workers to make Christ known to the lost. Your gift of any amount, or recurring donation of $50 each month, enables us to advance the gospel to the unreached and unevangelized and hold the rope faithfully for an entire global gospel workforce.

Nearly 700
Baptisms Last Year
87 Nations
Reached for Christ
$80 Monthly Gift
Impacts All 1,000 Missionaries

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