The Gambia Literacy Ministry offers uneducated and under-educated rural Gambians the opportunity to learn to read, write, calculate, and increase their earning potential through local language literacy classes. Each year, over 150 participants are enrolled in these classes.
The ministry is also involved in translating a variety of evangelistic, discipleship, and general reading materials into a local language. The Message of Hope, Message of Hope condensed, and the Story of Hope for Children has already been produced in Wolof. The Way to Joy is in progress. Other materials such as Manage Your Business Money have also been translated and produced.
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Our Literacy team is researching a new ministry method for getting the gospel into small local communities. It is called CHE. Each CHE (Community Health Evangelism ) program is community-driven, locally sustainable, contextualized for Gambian culture, and integrated with physical and spiritual teachings. Pray that our research will allow us to shine the Light of Christ into remote villages. Our heart's desire is to lead people into saving faith which brings about nationally led churches in villages and towns across the Gambia.
adult male literacy
adult female literacy