North Africa is largely hostile to the Gospel. Yet amidst the persecution, God is raising up young nationals to know Him and lead churches and ministries in His name. From their training center, they go out to countries across the region to places where they are uniquely gifted to serve with their appearance, language, and cultural understanding.
The leaders of this project, Aquila and Priscilla, focus on discipling North African and Middle Eastern believers so that the nationals can go on to lead churches and ministries among their own people in this region. Aquila and Priscilla do it primarily through summer camps, English camps, and a nine-month internship program designed for intense discipleship. As a result of Aquila and Priscilla’s North African ministry to young people, God has raised up dozens of nationals who love Jesus and desire to proclaim His name in their cities and countries alongside their local church.
Profess faith in Christ
1 : 405K
Estimated 1 missionary for every 405,500 Muslims