Compassion - Asia Pacific

On January 1, 2024, a 7.6-magnitude earthquake struck the northwestern part of Japan, causing wide-scale devastation. The quake, centered in the coastal prefecture of Ishikawa, led to significant structural damage, disrupted essential services, and heightened the need for emergency assistance and humanitarian aid in the affected areas. The road ahead seems uncertain, but we serve a God who specializes in bringing light to the darkest situations.  

Through local churches and our dedicated national partners, ABWE is helping to provide relief to these communities. Our efforts go beyond meeting urgent needs for food, housing, and supplies. We are also sharing the message of hope and peace found in the gospel of Jesus Christ. As the second largest unreached people group in the world, with only 0.6 percent of Japan’s total population consisting of evangelical believers, the Japanese need the hope of Christ.

The Compassion - Asia Pacific fund provides practical resources and compassionate care during times of natural disaster, war, and crisis. From typhoons to earthquakes, there are times when our missionaries may need extra support to reach their neighbors. Please pray and help supply our missionaries and partners with items they need for ministry such as medical supplies, food, and construction materials when there is an emergency.  

in Japan by lack of medical supplies, food, and construction materials because of natural disasters in 2024

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Compassion East Asia

Providing resources and compassionate care during times of natural disaster, war and crisis—where it's needed most.

Compassion Ministries - Worldwide

Compassion Ministries provides compassionate care during times of disaster and crisis to areas across the globe when they need it most.