Brazil Flood Relief

Brazil is currently experiencing catastrophic flooding that recently has already resulted in significant damage and claimed the lives of more than 90 people. The South Brazil International Airport (in Porto Alegre) has been closed. Right now, there are almost 100 individuals missing, and 100,000+ people have already been evacuated. Many are without water and electricity, and several bridges on main roads have collapsed. The need is great, but our God is greater.

Would you consider helping to support those most needy in South America through ABWE missionaries and the local church?

The Brazil Flood Relief fund provides practical resources and compassionate care for those affected by this natural disaster and other similar natural disasters, wars and crises.

We are grateful for those who have partnered with us to support missionaries and churches in Brazil during this time. The Lord is working, and we look forward to seeing how he will continue to provide during this time. Right now, our teams, national partners, and many individuals have come together to start relief efforts thanks, in part, to gifts from this fund. The road ahead is long, but we know that God will be glorified even in this crisis.

As of May 23, 2024, we’ve learned of:

  • 161 deaths
  • 806 injured
  • 85 missing
  • 581,633 people that had to leave their homes
  • 72,561 people in shelters
  • 337,100 in homes of friends and family
  • 464 of 497 cities have now been affected 

Pray for God to be glorified in the midst of this tragedy through the faithful compassion ministries undertaken by his church.

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