Bible Baptist Schools of Togo


The Christian School ministry reaches over 4,000 Togolese students for the gospel every year by providing teacher training, educational materials, and Christian curriculum.

3 Ways You Can Help:

Professional Development

Ongoing training is essential to reaching an excellent standard of education. Our association of schools in Togo regularly provides training seminars and coordinates the Christian education ministry nationwide. We need your help to accomplish this tremendous task.

Classroom Materials

Over 4,000 students in our schools rely on you to help provide materials for their classrooms. Quality curriculum and student manipulatives are vital to the success of our students.

Land Fund

With 17 elementary schools and 5 middle schools, the opportunity for expansion is endless. The schools are growing and several are in need of additional land, wells, and latrines.

Elementary Schools
Middle Schools

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Come teach, disciple and love the MKs of our Togo North team!


MK Teachers for both elementary and secondary age groups are needed in Southern Togo.

Ministry Focuses