Live Global Sports Ministry

United States

Sports ministry!  We are building a multi-faceted team that will be able to assist our national partners and missionaries with training in many areas – how to run a sports ministry, how to coach and setup practices, how to officiate for running tournaments, basic first aid & CPR training in case of emergency’s, strength/conditioning programs for those who want to open gyms or for training teams, how to setup and run a business to be able to create income to support their ministry and families, biblical training at all levels. 

We would like to help supply our national partners and missionaries who need sports equipment.  We would like to help our national partners and missionaries who would like to build sports centers to share the gospel. 

Our Live Global Sports Ministry Team of missionaries will engage with North American churches, universities, coaches, officials, business & medical people to form teams to help our national partners and fellow missionaries. 

We are recruiting full time missionaries who love God, love people and have a servants heart.  Recruiting those who know sports, coaching, officiating, medical, physical therapy, strength/conditioning, member care, and business.

Why It's Important

We’ve been working with sports ministry for many years. We’ve seen God open doors to areas that our partners and fellow missionaries have never been able to go.  We’ve seen people who would never go to or be around other ministry’s but have come to a sport, medical, or music ministry.  We’ve seen many accept Christ because of it. 

One young man started coming to play soccer and spend time with our team.  He accepted Christ and is now leading music in the church and translating for the pastor when he preaches.  He told me he never would have accepted Christ if we had not had the sports outreach. 

Our team has been able to go into government schools that are closed to Christian ministry but because we coach soccer and teach English we’ve been allowed in and after gaining their trust have been allowed to teach Bible.  We’ve seen kids come to know the Lord through that ministry.  When other headmasters heard what we were doing many came to us and asked us to come and coach their kids and then added, "oh and you can teach Bible?". 

We are partnering with a young man as he started a sports ministry in his village.  As we drove into his village with our team to help with a Christmas outreach, the signs over the doors read – no Christians allowed in this house.  The leaders of the villages have held several meetings to put hexes on this young man….his response is, "why should I worry, I have God." 

The leaders and parents know that he cares about them and their kids.  They say they don’t want him there, but send their kids to him to learn sports, English, help with schoolwork and learn about God. 

Now, the adults are starting to come as well.  Only God!!!

You're Support Matters

We want people to know & accept Christ.  Sports ministry is not just a concept, we’ve seen first-hand what God has done in changing many lives. 

First, we need your prayers!  We have a large task in front of us to build a team that can help our national partners and fellow missionaries advance the gospel and grow their ministry outreach. 

We don’t want to be just a one visit, one trip, one gift, feel good ministry.  We want our partners to know we love them, care about them and that we will be there with them.  We want you to know and see the amazing things God is doing and partner with us.

Financially we need help to supply our national partners & missionaries with sports equipment. 

On a larger scale we currently have national partners who want to open and run a sports centers in their areas.  We need help for travel & ministry outreach when visiting and helping our partners.

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