A Church Planter “Partner” is an assessed church planter who desires a relationship with EveryEthne – for advice, counsel, resourcing and coaching – but who already has much of his financial support in place and does not need to join an agency for the purpose of employment. Why invest in a Church Planter “Partner”? EveryEthne's team of experienced pastors and church planters help coach young church planters through difficulties – as they occur. While other groups often discontinue their assistance once the church is planted, EveryEthne makes a life-long commitment to assist both the planter and the church through every phase of the church’s life.
The goal is to award 15 Church Planter and 10 "Partner" Church Planter grants between 2019 and 2021.
1 Year
of support for a Church Planter "Partner"
1 Month
of support for a Church Planter "Partner"
18 Months
of coaching for a Church Planter "Partner"